"My goal is to utilize extensive training and experience to
transform and sculpt your body structure to achieve the results
you are looking for."
-Bob Robinson
What Makes Rolfing Different?
Rolfing is bodywork that focuses on long-term symptom relief rather than short-term.
Long-lasting structural changes restore the body's natural
ability to release stress, aches,
and pain resulting in greater strength, flexibility, and balance.
Who Benefits from Rolfing?
• Those who suffer from aches, pains or poor posture.
• Athletes and workers whose lives depend on physical endurance.
• Professionals whose livelihood involves stress.
• Expressive performers such as dancers and musicians.
• Whiplash and accident sufferers.
What is Rolfing?
Rolfing, sometimes referred to as Structural Integration, is the manipulation of the
connective tissue to return your posture
and body structure to its most optimally
integrated and balanced state.
What are Typical Results?
Rolfing unwinds the negative effects of old injuries, poor posture, imbalanced
xmovement patterns and the strains and distortions that come with aging.
Rolfing produces an overall increase in vitality, well being, and allows you to
xbe more comfortable.
Achieving Results
A series of Rolfing sessions is designed to ensure the most desired and individualized results. Rolfers will use the "10 Session Formulaic Approach" as a guideline, but the number of actual sessions will vary to accomodate the client's needs.
Recent Articles
I Tried It: Rolfing Structural Integration
by Debra Bokur
Courtesy of Healing Lifestyles magazine
July/August 2008
Celebrities Endorsing Rolfing!
Michelle Kwan - ’98 Silver Medal figure skater
Elvis Stojko - ’98 Silver Medal figure skater
Leon Fleisher - Virtuoso concert pianist
Willie Nelson - Singer/songwriter
Levar Burton - Actor
Denis Leary - Actor
Diane Ladd - Actress
Sean Young - Actress
Mary Elizabeth Mastontonio - Actress
Courtney Love - Actress/singer
Sam Keen - Best-selling writer